Comparison of Types of Intellectual Property

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Comparison of Types of Intellectual Property

The following charts give a cross comparison of all of the categories for a variety of basic questions.

 What is Protected?
Copyright“original works of authorship”
PatentProducts, processes, designs, plants
TrademarkWord, name, symbol, device (with a product; a service mark relates to a service)
Trade SecretBusiness secret
 What Symbol Represents the Protection?
Copyright©, copyright, copr.
TrademarkTM, SM, ®
Trade SecretN/A
 How to Register?
CopyrightLibrary of Congress
PatentUnited States Patent and Trademark Office
TrademarkUnited States Patent and Trademark Office
Trade SecretN/A
 What are the Conditions to Get?
PatentUniqueness, novelty, non-obviousness
TrademarkFirst to file; first to use
Trade SecretCreate a secret
 What is the Duration?
CopyrightLife + 70 years
Patent20 years (utility and plant); 14 years (design)
TrademarkWhile in Use
Trade SecretWhile in Secret