Power of Attorney

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Power of Attorney

The applicant may give power of attorney so as to be represented by one or more patent practitioners or joint inventors when filing and/or prosecuting a patent application.  A power of attorney may only name as the legal representative one or more patent practitioners or one or more joint inventors.[1]See, e.g., MPEP § 402(I).   A power of attorney must be signed by the applicant for patent or the patent owner (for reissue applications, reexamination proceedings and supplemental examination proceedings).  An assignee who is not an applicant cannot revoke or appoint power of attorney in a patent application.[2]See, e.g., MPEP § 402.02(a).


1 See, e.g., MPEP § 402(I).
2 See, e.g., MPEP § 402.02(a).