The following include in-depth articles relating to various aspects of intellectual property.
- GOLIATH V. GOLIATH FALLOUT: REPERCUSSIONS OF APPLE V. SAMSUNGThis article focuses on the legal procedural aspects of the Apple v. Samsung case, as well as implications from such case.
- A PRIMER ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYThis article provides a concise overview of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. It is intended as a first introduction to intellectual property.
- FILE A PROVISIONAL PATENT YOURSELFThis article provides a concise overview of what is needed to file a provisional patent application, as well as perspectives which should be taken into consideration when preparing a provisional patent application.
- TRADEMARK STRATEGIES FOR THE ENTREPRENEURThis article provides a concise overview of the strength of a mark, how to secure a trademark, and how to enforce rights associated with your protection.
- CORPORATE PERSPECTIVES ON IP STRATEGYThis article provides a concise overview of how IP, and patents in particular, can add value to a company’s portfolio. Included in the guide are recommendations on streamlining your company’s IP process.